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Fit Tips: 


1. Drink your water, drink lots of it! 


2. Set SMART goals for your fitness journey. Your food and fitness plan will be tailored to these goals! 


3. Create your routine. Are you a morning gym person, or an evening runner? When does exercising make you feel the most energized? When does it add the most value to your life? This routine will change and ideally it becomes a habit rather than a routine, something that you have as a pillar of your life.


4. Mixing up your workouts has many benefits. You should be lifting, doing low intensity and high intensity workouts. A wide range of options keeps you going, rather than burning you out! 


5. Remember your food is your fuel, but it is also so much more (culture, life, social gatherings, happiness). Eat wholesome ingredients and mostly fruits and vegetables. We all have unique needs with a plan tailored specifically for our goals and to feel our best. 




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